We are now in week 24 of waiting for Baby Arteaga to arrive! In the past couple of weeks we have had a couple of appointments at the doctor's office. One was for the monthly checkup with the doctor who will be delivering the baby. He checked me over and all is moving along nicely and all the blood work has come back good. So we are grateful.
We also had another ultrasound (thank goodness they are relatively cheap here - $40 compared to $1,000 in the states!) and were able to see Baby Arteaga in his little house (again, we have no doubt that we are expecting a boy!). This was an extra long ultrasound with the technician checking various measurements. The technician measured his heart, his lungs, his legs and arms and tried to get a count on how many fingers he has! However, most of the time his little hands were bunched up in a fist. But we're pretty sure we saw 5 fingers on both hands. At one point it did look like he reached up and picked his nose! I hope that's not a sign of what we can expect from him as a two-year old! ha, ha! At any rate, it was reassuring to see Baby Arteaga once again and know that he is growing and developing as expected.
Thank you so much for your many emails, prayers and words of encouragement during this time! We so much appreciate everyone's interest and love and care. We are very blessed!
Pray for Ruth this week as she has a bad cold and is trying to get over it without the usual dosage of cold medicines. Santi is being a very patient and loving husband while trying trying to nurse Ruth back to good health!