somehow blogging doesn't make it to the top of my list of things to do each day - instead I find myself keeping up with Isabella's feedings, changing diapers, doing a little bit of toilet training with Nathan and just trying to keep up with life in general!
But . . . . just because I haven't been blogging, it doesn't mean that life has been boring - it's been anything but that!
The end of October, we had the privilege of receiving a team from PA, Calvary Church, who provided funds and lots of hard labor to help with the construction of a little church in a little community high up on Mt. Pichincha over-looking Quito. The community is called La Paz and the church is a plant from our own church, El Inca. This is the fifth church plant out of our church and we are proud to be part of what God is doing in La Paz. AND we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the team members from Calvary Church. What a blessing they were to us!
We enjoyed a Thanksgiving celebration on Thanksgiving Day with several families at our home. So fun to enjoy time together. Geoff & Tammy Kooistra came with their three children - Geoff is head of the radio ministry at HCJB Global and is one of Santi's bosses. Ruth knows them from about 12 years ago when they first arrived and she was their "big sister" - she also enjoyed babysitting their children when they were younger. Tim & Amy Dawson came with their three little ones. . . . ages 5, 3 and 2. Lots of playmates for Nathan. Tim works in HCJB Radio (doing radio training) and Amy is a medical doctor. Mike & Carol Bishop are good friends from Extreme Response. And Jeremy and Teresa Hing, Extreme Response missionaries still doing deputation in the US, came down to Ecuador early to get ready for the ER Christmas parties. And finally, we invited one of Santi's college friends, Beto and his wife, Ysenia who is from Russa. They have a little girl who just turned one. We were blessed to share our home and hearts with all of these people. And so much to be THANKFUL for.
And we are really thankful for the Christmas parties going on this week! As most of you know, Extreme Response is hosting a team of 70+ people from the US and Canada who have come to Ecuador to help provide a week-long celebration of Jesus in 8 communities. Today is the party at the Quito dump - over 2,500 people came to enjoy games, fun, music, crafts, photos with Santa and a Christmas message. Here on earth, we will never the impact these parties are having for eternity.
Nathan and Isabella are both doing well - Isabella is 2 1/2 months. Where has the time gone! She is growing and always has a smile for anyone who pays attention to her. A very sweet little lady, indeed. Nathan seems to have adjusted to his new sister and is working on not pinching her and learning to give her kisses! He is also starting to potty train (aleluja!) and his vocabulary is growing (favorite word right now - apple). He is also a joy to have around (most of the time!). We are blessed with two beautiful children.
I hope to post some photos later on this weekend! Thank you for your patience in hearing from us! And we do appreciate your prayers for us! We are looking forward to what God is going to do in this holiday season and into 2010!
Blessings from the Arteaga Family!