Monday, October 8, 2007

A View from the Doorway

Last Weds at the Kids Club I was standing in the door-way to the little room where we hold the club at the dump. I think that because we go so often, it's easy to get used to seeing the people work and the garbage all around. I decided to snap this photo as I was standing there to remind me of the reality of these people's lives.

This group of people spend their days sorting through the garbage and classifying the items they find. They usually have stacks of plastic, paper, cardboard, metal and even glass that they pile up and wait for the trucks from the recycling companies to come and pick up. If they work really hard this family may earn about $150 a week by selling the re-cycable items to the companies (to be split up amongst all of them). It's very common to see the families like this one working together.

1 comment:

debbie said...

hey Ruth! great to see pics of the dump again, and to be reminded of the reality at the dump. i found your blog off of Janine's :)

miss you guys,
debbie (from vancouver!)