Friday, December 14, 2007

Misión Compartida - Part II and Misc.

I've taken the opportunity to stop by the HCJB radio station facility a couple of times today and it's been exciting to see all the people arrive to visit the station, meet our radio staff and make donations. Santi is working long hours today and tomorrow providing technical support for the staff taking phone calls.

I just talked to Santi who is on his way home and he said that up until the station has received close to $74,000 in donations and pledges! What an exciting way to end the day! They are half-way to their goal of $150,000.

He also shared a story with me that brought tears to both of us about an elderly man who came to HCJB today who had just received his retirement check - it was for $200 which is probably all he will receive for his retirement after working many years (let's just say that Ecuador's social security is way worse than the US social security). He wanted to turn it all in to HCJB as a donation! Amazing to hear stories of how people sacrifice to give toward a ministry that blesses them every day. And it's inspiring to keep helping and serving!

I finally broke down and called the doctor today because I just can't shake this cold that I have and it's probably to the point of a sinus infection. He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and I'm sure that I will soon be breathing much easier! Thanks for praying!

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