Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Good News - Nathan's Hearing Test

We took Nathan to the hearing place this morning for his hearing test. As I mentioned earlier, we were a little worried about his hearing as hearing loss can be a part of CDH and also it seems like he pretty much ignores noises of any kind. He can be sleeping in our room the TV can be going and we can be talking or the phone can ring and he doesn't wake up! I guess that's to our advantage, but at any rate, we were curious as to how the hearing test would turn out today.

We were all glad that Nathan was sound asleep for the test - he barely noticed the apparatus that they put in his hear to measure his hearing!

And we are glad to inform you that his hearing is fine! The doctor said that it would be good to do another test when he's one year old. But that all is fine for now!

Once again, we are grateful! Is it possible to be continually and increasingly amazed at God's grace, mercy and love towards us!?!?! That's how we feel right now! Thanks to all of you who were praying . . . and to sign off - here's another photo of our little guy! As you can see, he's already addicted to his pacifier!

1 comment:

crt said...

that's fantastic news! have fun this weekend with jw.