Friday, January 25, 2008

One Month Old Today

Our baby Nathan is one month old today! Hard to believe. In some ways, it seems as if he has been with us forever and we could never imagine our lives without him. In other ways, it seems like this month has flown by. I guess considering all that has happened this past month (the time in the hospital, Nathan's surgery and recovery and all the doctor's appointments), that would make sense.

We are so much enjoying giving Nathan all the love and care in the world. . . okay, to be honest, I probably don't enjoy the 2 a.m. feedings that much! But we can't complain as Nathan is basically sleeping through the night except for waking at 2 am to eat. During this month, we can already see that he has a sweet personality. Of course, if you wait too long to feed him after his nap, he does get a little angry (like that red-faced screaming kind of angry), but I guess we all get kind of upset when we're hungry, right? So I can't really blame him.

I think I mentioned that at Nathan's one-month checkup this week, he weighed in at 9 lbs. 8 oz. Which means he's gained 2 lbs since his birth on Christmas Day. He also has grown 2 cm, so he is now at 54 cm. I can't remember how to convert that to inches, but I'm guessing it's something like 21 inches.

Some day soon, I will get back to blogging about other events and happenings here in Ecuador with HCJB and Extreme Response. In the meantime, since Nathan is still on oxygen, I'm spending most of my time inside our home so I guess my perspective these days is kind of limited. I basically go out for doctor's appointments (and try to run as many errands as I can while we're out) and that's about it.

This Sunday, Santi will be preaching at the nursing home, Hogar Betania. Pray for him as he will be preparing a message for the 40 + residents at the Hogar. So often, it is difficult to think of something that would encourage them as they lead lonely, difficult lives without much joy. Pray that God would give Santi the words that would be an encouragement to these dear elderly residents.


Anonymous said...

Que guapo!! I can't believe how much Nathan is growing! Great job on your test Santi, and I'm so glad that things continue to go well with Nathan. Miss you all!
Kelly L.

the fordices said...

Oh, Nathan is getting more and more adorable!! Thanks for posting pics! We love to watch him grow.

Love, Michele