Friday, January 4, 2008

Photos of Nathan Going Home!

Okay - for some reason, these are the only two photos I have of Nathan going home. The photos crack me up! First, because he totally doesn't have on what we thought we'd put on him to go home - we had a sweater for him that Santi's mom had picked out as well as a cute hat and blanket from my brother's family. It was such a cute idea until Santi informed me that it was blazing hot outside and that he would be way too hot with all those clothes on. So we had to go with plan B for the clothes.

And then the expression on his face cracks us up as well! He obviously is wondering what on earth we are doing with him! But he's in his car seat and ready to go! We were impressed that Dr. Jijon doesn't allow any of the babies to go home until they are in a car seat. For those of you who have been here to Ecuador - you know that you often see babies in cars without any car seats (sitting sometimes even on the lap of the driver or the front passenger). Sometimes you even see them on motorcycles (in their mom's arms of course). Anyways - that's just a side note I guess.

And then lastly, we couldn't resist taking a photo of some of the nurses and aides who have been taking care of Nathan since his birth on Dec. 25! They did such a wonderful job of watching over our little one. We appreciate them! And many of the others who aren't pictured in the photo.

Well, I must go - just wanted to get these photos out to you. Nathan is asleep again in his crib - we can tell that he's trying to figure out his new environment. Hopefully soon it will feel like home to him!


crt said...

we are thrilled your little one is home! we'll continue praying for you all.

Grace said...

I'm so happy for you! I'll keep praying as you get settled into life!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the entire family is home and together.
Nathan is precious. I love the pics too and see why you post them. Thanks.
Love to you all.

Stacy and Tommy