Monday, February 11, 2008

The Faces of Ecuador

Here is a photo from last month. I snapped it while sitting in the car waiting for the stoplight to change. I happened to have my camera with me and saw this little girl playing by herself in the small little median in the road. Her mom was selling gum and candy to people stopped at the light. The look in her eyes captured my heart.

I never cease to be amazed at the little children we see out on the streets on a daily basis here in Quito. They spend the whole day out there while their parents try to sell something (such as fruit, candy, newspapers, etc.) to passersby - earning maybe just enough money to buy food for the day. Some of the older ones aren't with anyone - they may have been sent out to sell things themselves or they may just be living on the street because they have no place to go.

Sometimes it's hard to see this day in and day out. For one thing, as sad as it sounds, you start getting used to seeing it. For another thing, you know that no matter how many quarters you have in your car to hand out to these kids on the street, you'll eventually run out. And finally, sometimes, it's just hard to think of any practical way to help them.

BUT THERE IS HOPE! We all know that there is hope in Jesus. And I'm reminded of two amazing organizations who Extreme Response partners with here in Quito (by helping with funding, medicines, used clothing, short-term teams, etc.). These are two organizations that are doing what they can to help the children, moms and dads who live and work on the street and who probably don't have much hope in their lives. They bring the hope of Jesus to these people through very practical ways. I'll let you read about these organizations for yourselves. I invite you to visit their websites.

Pan de Vida - - -

Casa Gabriel - - -

At Extreme Response, we are grateful for the opportunity to help these two organizations. And for me, I am reminded that there is hope for children like this little girl hanging out on the street the other day.

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