Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rainy Wednesday

Below is an article that our high schoolers posted on a group page in Facebook, giving us an account of how things went yesterday at the Kids Club at the dump! I can just hear the excitement in them as they saw God provide the clothes for the children and then also the excitement in handing them out! What a wonderful lesson in learning about God's provision!

If you have a Facebook account and would like to join the group "I'm Praying for the Families at the Dump" - click here. Help us pray!

We are so grateful to all the people that were able to contribute by donating clothes in good condition. The barrel was overflowing with clothes. God has been so faithful through the provision of magnificent pieces of clothing for those kids.

We began sorting the clothes about two hours before kids club. The room completely filled with huge bags full of clothes, thanks to our sponsor's excellent organization skills and a group of girls, forty bags were piled. Twenty for girls and twenty for boys, each containing clothing specific for each age group.

The extreme responsers began carrying those huge bags, as if they were santa claus, in the midst of the rain towards the van. We all were excited to be the means by which God was going to provide for those kids.

We prayed and we all squished in between the bags of goods. Once we made it to the dump, we realized that many kids had been waiting a while already.

It was dreary and cold, but it did not stop us from worshipping God along the kids.
Little Dayana could not help but make up her own motions for the songs. She was ecstatic to be able to praise the Lord.

The craft this week was shirt painting. As soon as the correct sizes were passed out to each kid, a work of art began to be created at each table. Hearts, flowers, and names and stars and suns were painted on each shirt.

Once they all had finished, and put their shirts to dry, the story group went up and shared with the kids the nativity story. Each one of them had their eyes wide open waiting to hear how Jesus came to be alive.

Concluding the day, we prayed and ask each one of them to form a single file line outside the van. All excited holding their shirts and cookies, they tiptoed and tried to see within the windows.

The extreme responsers excited grabbed and bag and the kids could not believe their eyes once they received such goods. They could barely contain their emotions and wiggled the bag in between their hands and tried to make it home all right. Each kid received a bag and they understood that God always provides.

It was unbelievable to see the way God moved people all around us this week through the clothing drive. It was amazing to see how God can bring beauty from ashes. How even though all their belongings were destroyed, God gave them even better and warmer clothes.

Please keep praying that each of the families will find new homes! Thank you for all that donated clothes, the kids of the dump greatly appreciate it!

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