Monday, April 21, 2008


We want to thank all of you who prayed for Nathan and his appointment today with Dr. Davalós, his cardiologist. We are blessed to be able to report GOOD NEWS! The duct in Nathan's lung/heart has closed so he will NOT be needing another surgery! We are very grateful and relieved.

Nathan behaved very well for the appointment - as usual, he was his typical smiley self - smiling to the doctor and playing with his feet (his own feet, not the doctor's feet) while laying on the exam table. The doctor said that he could be described as "ACTIVE" and we whole-heartedly agreed - he rarely stays still for a minute while awake (yes, I hate to see what he's going to be like when he's around 2 years old - he'll probably never stop moving).

And when it was time to go to the Imaging department for his ultrasound. . . Nathan laid on the table hardly moving - it was practically a miracle! Both Santi and I were worried as to how we were going to keep him still so that the doctor would perform the ultrasound. So that was also a blessing - Nathan just laid there as calm as could be - fascinated with the monitor and all the lights.

And needless to say, we were thrilled when the doctor told us that the duct had closed. Nathan still has a little bit of high pressure - its around 30 (and should be in the 20s). The doctor didn't seem terribly concerned about it at this point - saying that the high altitude here is still having some affect as well as Nathan's young age. There is also a slight opening in one of the ventricles of Nathan's heart, but it is so tiny and the doctor expects it to close yet in the next few months and wants to check Nathan again in 3 months.

And today, I'm excited as I got to call the oxygen supplier and ask them to come and take THE TANK away! I can't wait to see that thing out of the house. No more oxygen for Nathan! Another big milestone!

So once again we are thanking you for taking this journey with us and for praying for Nathan and his appointment today! We felt all of your prayers as God gave us much peace and calm hearts. On Friday, we will be at the pediatrician's office, looking over the reports from the cardiologist, having Nathan's monthly check-up and doing his vaccines.

Thanks again!


The Wellspring said...

YEAH! What awesome news for all of you. So glad you can get rid of those tanks and that you received so much good news today. God is so faithful!

THE ISAZAS said...

Praise God! What awesome answers to prayer! We are so happy for Nathan...what an adorable baby!

crt said...

what wonderful news! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm so glad to hear that Nathan is doing so well. What a blessing!
Kelly L