Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nathan is doing well - he had his five-month check-up yesterday and the pediatrician continues to be pleased with his progress. He now weighs 16 lb. 14 oz. and is 26 inches long. And is ready to start solid food - so that will be our project for this month!

We continue to be AMAZED at God's goodness to us in healing our son! And we are so grateful to you who have prayed for him and for us and been a part of this incredible journey with us.

We are so much enjoying seeing him grow and develop and start doing new things too. He is rolling over from his tummy to his back and working really hard on rolling from his back to his tummy - he doesn't have that mastered yet! We being reminded though that he has lots of determination to do something and just keeps trying and trying! He was like this from birth, so we shouldn't be surprised!

And we have been trying to get Nathan's Ecuadorian paperwork taken care of. So the other day, Santi went to check on the paperwork needed for his Ecuadorian "cedula" (a required form of identification for any Ecuadorian citizen/resident). We need this in order to get Nathan's Ecuadorian passport to be used for travel. Well, Santi found out that they aren't issuing cedula's right now because they have run out of the plastic ID's to make them! So we have to wait another 3 weeks or so (that's if they do arrive in 3 weeks!).

Hopefully we can get his paperwork taken care of soon. He already has his US passport and certificate of birth abroad (I still need to get him a Social Security Number).

Thank you for all your notes, emails, comments and words of encouragement - we so enjoy hearing from all of you!

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