Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6 months old!

Today, Nathan is 6 months old. It's hard to believe it's already been 6 months since he came into our lives on Christmas day! We can't imagine our lives without him. And our love for him grows every day. Everyone comments on how he's such a smiley and happy baby. And it's true - he is always ready with a smile and is a good-natured baby. We are blessed. And we are amazed by God's love in giving him to us and miraculously healing him the first few weeks of his life.

And he's growing by leaps and bounds. It seems he grows out of his clothes before he has a chance to wear them much - he's into size 9 month clothing (and still wearing 6 months). He has started eating cereal (as you can see from the photos). He seems to like it and got the hang of it pretty quickly. He loves to jump and bounce while being held (he is full of some serious energy most of the time). He is turning over and is almost sitting by himself. We haven't been able to get a "mama" or "papa" out of him yet, but we're confident that we will soon. No teeth yet, but he sure likes to drool and put everything in his mouth. He loves to be with his daddy.

Happy 6th Month Birthday, Nathan! For more photos, click HERE!


Anonymous said...

Happy Six Month Birthday, Sweet Pea!

Laura Gaunnac

The Arteagas said...

Thanks so much Laura! You are so sweet to notice our little one all the time. Can you send me your email address so that I can write you back? I'd love to email you. our email is:
Thanks - Ruth

KCC said...

he's sooooo cute, ruth! i love the way you can see his little body when he's facing the couch. looks familiar since our little girl is 6 1/2 months now... blessings to you. i love to read about your ministry so even though i don't post i am reading.... love, karen

The Arteagas said...

Thanks Karen - I enjoy reading your blog too! You have an absolutely beautiful location there in Hawaii - I thought Quito was beautiful until I saw your recent photo on your blog. Gorgeous! And I too have been keeping up with your little one knowing that she's not far apart in age with Nathan! Take care - Love from Quito - Ruth