Monday, June 9, 2008

Check this out!

To read a great article written by Teri Newburn, about the kids club at the dump - please click here.

Teri and I have worked together for years with the Kids Club at the dump - she is a high school math teacher at Alliance Academy International here in Quito. We have had so much fun working together, both with the high school students and also seeing all the little kids grow up in the club.

She has gone the extra mile this year, taking on extra work in organizing things and being there faithfully every week, while I have been out with my pregnancy and then with Nathan. I'm gradually getting back into the swing of things but I'm so grateful to Teri for all her hard work and keeping things going.

Please pray for us as we're working to get the club organized and started up again for the summer months. . . .our first club will be June 18, followed by a VBS with a team from GA the next week. We don't have many of the high school students here for the summer, so sometimes it's a challenge to have enough volunteers to help. Additionally, we have higher attendance (70 children or more) because they are out of school and are more available to come.

But we are thrilled to be able to keep the club going through the summer months and also to provide a VBS for the children - mother's also come with their children and participate. We find that the week with the children helps us to get to know them better and also that it's a great evangelistic tool as they invite friends and family too!


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