Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Beach Trip

Nathan loved the ocean!

He was also fascinated by the sand!

Playing with Sarah in the waves

And the pool was pretty fun too!

We celebrated the 4th with some sparklers! Here is Jacob with his . . .

Nathan had tons of fun with the Kooistra kids - Jacob, Emma and Sarah!

The view was incredible from our ocean front place

What a view!

And here we all are in the pool! We had a great time with the Kooistras

We had the privilege of taking a road trip to the coast of Ecuador this past weekend and spending some time with some missionary friends at the beach! We left Quito early Thursday morning and got there around 1 p.m. and stayed until 1 p.m. on Sunday.

It was great to get away and to see a part of the country that we haven't seen in a while. It was also fun to give Nathan his first taste of the coast - a different climate, a lower altitude, the ocean, a swimming pool and the sand! He loved every minute of it and traveled very well.

He also enjoyed being with our friends' children - Jacob, Emma and Sarah. I'm afraid that he's probably bored now being at home with just mom.

Probably the main thing that happened while we were at the beach was that Nathan's two bottom teeth came in! He was having trouble going to sleep the first night we were there - we thought it was the heat or all the excitement of traveling . . . and maybe it was a combination of all that, but we also discovered that between the drooling and chewing on everything within reach, he was actually working on his two bottom teeth!

Thankfully I remembered to bring some baby tylenol along - that did the trick - and he slept like a baby (no pun intended!). And other than having trouble going to sleep at night, he slept well (once he fell asleep) and really didn't seem to be too bothered by his teeth coming in. He mostly enjoyed being in the pool as you can see by the photos.

We did our own little celebration of July 4th with some sparklers at dusk. We managed not to burn any holes in anyone's clothes. (for those of you who were at the fireworks display at the end of our wedding reception two years ago, you know what I'm referring to!).

All in all, it was a great trip - we enjoyed the fellowship with our friends the Kooistras and we were able to get some relaxing time in as well. Now, it's back home to the busy Quito schedule - hopefully we'll stay re-fueled for a while.

If you're interested in seeing more photos, please click on these links.
Photo Link 1
Photo Link 2
Photo Link 3
Photo Link 4


Anonymous said...

I am glad you had such a refreshing time at the coast. I really enjoyed all of your photos, Ruth!


THE ISAZAS said...

The beach!!! I'm so jealous! Looks like you had a wonderful time!! Glad to hear that it went well and that Nathan did well...even with teeth coming in!

Rachel said...

LOVE the pictures, especially the ones of your adorable little guy!! How fun!! Beautiful scenery, too! Glad you were able to enjoy some relaxing family time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so way jealous that I wasn't there! Looks like Nathan is going to be a beach lover like his mom and dad. :)