Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Global Leadership Summit

One of the organizations here in Quito, Leader Mundial, puts together a Global Leadership Summit here in Quito each year.

This year, 36 leaders, partners and coaches are gathering here in Quito, Ecuador for their 3rd Annual Leadership Summit. The Community is made up of 3 kinds of people:

*Leaders: These are strategically placed leaders around the world that lead or manage organizations that are impacting their city, country and region for the Kingdom.

*Partners: These are people that come alongside these leaders, providing the financial resources for the leaders to participate, as well as coming to share their life, experience and passion.

*Coaches: These are people that simply help the leaders & partners to process, to grow, to apply the things they learn and to become more effective leaders.

The 4-day event consists of training, networking, building community & relationships, seeing a little of Ecuador and being challenged in our personal and organizational leadership.

The Summit is happening this week and we are so excited to have many of our Extreme Response partners here for the Summit. Some of the participants include:

Joshua Benavides from Youth Mobilization in the Philippines. Jonhattan Constante from Ambato, Ecuador. Dan Maloy from the Extreme Response office in Quito. Rich Brown from Inca Link (Ecuador and Peru). Pierre Roux from ATAIM in South Africa. And Patrick Crowster from Woodstock Baptist Church also in South Africa. There are others participating as well.

And what a privilege for us to have all these people here in one place as they learn and grow together. And so many people who represent sacrifice in ministry. I think of Pierre who is an Army Chaplain in the South Africa Army, and he also runs a ministry there called ATAIM, using short-term teams to impact projects and partners who work with people in very needy situations (think of dump communities or AIDS orphans, etc.).

And then there's Claudia and Patrick Crowster . . . . who both gave up well-paying jobs to pastor an inner city church among drug lords and thieves to make an impact in that community - which they are doing so very well through the church and an education program. I will have the privilege of translating for Claudia on Thursday as she shares her testimony with the women who dig through the garbage at the Quito City Dump - please pray for us that it would be a time of ministry to these women and that God would give us the words to say.

I could keep going as the list and information is great, but I think you get the idea. And what a blessing to have partners who come from the US, providing the funds for this event as well as sharing their personal experience. Anyways, if you want to read more, please visit the Leader Mundial site by clicking HERE. And you'll see some faces that you can pray for (visit their blog as they post info from this week's activities).

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