Friday, June 5, 2009

Sleeping . . .

. . . I couldn't resist posting this one either . . . a boy after my own heart . . .he loves sleep almost as much as I do and makes sure that he's comfortable with all his favorite things around him!


Laura said...

I love the two pictures of Nathan sleeping--he is soo adorable!

Anonymous said...

wow Ruth!! Nathan is GROWING! So much! He's so adorable and YOU'RE HAVING A GIRL! YES! I'm yelling it out in caps:) I was telling Rob that she is going to be so adorable. We are so excited for you. It's kind of funny, because I was just thinking "boy" for some reason. I guess that's what we had talked abt so much in IN. So, it was a fun surprise when Abs told me. I'm still in an information vacuum. You'd think I was the one living in a foreign country!! Seriously:) Hugs to all of you. I really should be chatting on FB. Is it rude to chat on someone's blog? It was just handy. Hugs to all of you! I'm glad you're feeling ok. India is sitting here sucking her thumb (still at 2.5!). She loves looking at the pictures with me. Love you guys...I'm anonymous b/c I can't find my blogger password. Loser internet person!!!!

Anonymous said...

He's so stinking cute! Definitely have to consider the arranged marriage thing that they do in India. He and Adrianna would make a beautiful couple. LOL