Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Relief

It's such a privilege to be part to two organizations who are doing all they can to help with disaster relief in Haiti . . . . please pray for the leadership at HCJB and Extreme Response as they seek to use our resources in the best way we can.

Extreme Response has sent a representative from Quito - Jean David was scheduled to fly from Quito to Haiti yesterday. We have not heard if he arrived or not. The current plan is that he will assist with the distribution of aid alongside the Ecuadorian military. He is a Haitian pastor, who lives here in Quito. Another ER rep, Dr. Scott Keller is planning to join the HCJB global medical team on January 28th. For regular updates please click here.

HCJB Global has a medical/relief team who is also in Haiti at this time. They are working with the Haiti Baptist Mission hospital. Members of the HCJB Global team include Ecuadorian surgeon Leonardo Febres, German surgeon Eckehart Wolff, U.S. anesthesiologist Paul Barton, U.S. family physicians Steve Nelson and Marcos Nelson, Harrison and International Healthcare Director Sheila Leech, a British nurse who heads the group. Most have assisted after previous disasters elsewhere such as in quake zones of Indonesia and Pakistan, Lebanon after war, and flooded areas of Mexico and Ecuador. For regular updates please click here.

I have also been putting updates on our Facebook page along with other links/blogs that will give you first-hand news from people living in Haiti. Extreme Response has two partners in Haiti. They are Lemuel Ministries and House of Hope.

Please click here for the Lemuel Ministries blog.

And please click here for the House of Hope updates.

I find that both these ministries are a much better way to stay tuned in to what really is going on in Haiti and how God is working. And both blogs give us specific ways to pray!

I have many more things to post on this blog - I'm very behind on staying in touch. I apologize - can I blame my two adorable children!?!?! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

1 comment:

amber said...

they are just too precious! today we had a bunch of rain and wind which led to no electricity. It made me think of you guys, but I was super blessed because for some reason, my house still had electricity. like only half of our block (my half) did. It was really weird. God bless ya, lady.