Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nathan's Snowman

The other morning while I was baking in the kitchen, Nathan was playing with Play Doh at the counter. I asked him what he was making and he told me it was a snowman and then he asked me to open the cupboard to get some eyes.

I was confused (I know, my normal state of mind) but opened the cupboard anyway. Well, that particular cupboard is the one that I pretty much stuff just about anything into (recipe books, random papers, dominoes, flashlights, bubbles, crafts from Nathan’s day care, phone books, coloring books, crayons – seriously, there’s all sorts of stuff in there!). So I really wasn’t sure if I was going to find any eyes in there or not . . . but Nathan was insisting . . . so I opened the door and sure enough, there were some eyes staring me in the face . . . on one of Nathan’s crafts from his day care that I’ve been hanging onto (because it’s too cute to throw away!).

So I pulled the eyes off (don’t worry – I saved them to glue on again), and handed them to Nathan and he proceeded to take about five minutes to get the eyes in just the right place. I just love the look of concentration in this series of photos! Oh and I’m not sure that he has ever seen a snowman in real life, but he knew to make three balls and put them on top of each other – have no idea where he got that from (we do talk about snowmen from time to time in his picture books –maybe he got the idea from that).


Laura G. said...

Nathan is just adorable, and oh so smart, too!

Rachel said...

BEAUTIFUL kids!!! Love "catching" up with you on your blog!!!