Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Appointment at the US Embassy - Quito

Please pray for us today as we have our appointment at the US embassy today to apply for a US visa for Santi. From what we understand, we will be turning in most of our paperwork along with proof that we are married and a family. After today's appointment, our paperwork will be analyzed by a special department in the US and then hopefully we will have another appointment soon with the US consulate in Guayaquil (a city on the coast of Ecuador).

Please pray that all our paperwork in order (we have spent two months trying to gather it all) and that all will go smoothly. Needless to say, it's important for us and our family.

Thank you!


Katie Glathar said...

Our prayers are with you Arteaga family. We are friends of the Barrows/Kennedys/Litzingers from GFCC. God Bless you!

Katrina Custer said...

I'm praying for you right now.