Monday, January 31, 2011

January is gone!

well, January is basically behind us! We spent most of the month trying to get back into our regular schedules after the busy month of December.

In December, we helped with the Extreme Response Christmas parties. Santi stayed busy for a week with the HCJB Global Radio Sharathon (MisiĆ³n Compartida - Shared Mission). Then there are the usual Christmas parties - at home, at the office, with our high school group, with the Kids Club at the dump. Then some time with family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus. And don't forget that December 25 is also our son's birthday - which was a fun day of celebration too! And then, of course, there was the ringing in of the New Year on December 31!

So January often turns out to be a time to recuperate and settle back into some kind of routine. And it seems like we battled a lot of viruses this month. One weekend had all four of us down with fevers, aching bodies and runny noses. Then recently Nathan was sick for almost a week with a stomach virus. This included a 24 hour stay in the hospital with an IV due to dehydration. NOT FUN! But we are grateful for everyone's prayers and he's now back to his usual (busy and active) three-year old self!

Ruth even had a visit to a dentist for a toothache one week. Santi visited the eye doctor due to red and irritated eyes. And we took a trip to the coastal city of Guayaquil for an appointment at the US consulate there to work on Santi's US visa! (which he was granted - Praise the Lord!)

And, Santi continued with his work at HCJB Global Hands - providing technical support for the radio staff. Ruth returned to the Extreme Response office on a more regular basis - about two hours a day while Nathan and Isabella spend some time at a nearby day care. The Kids Club started up again (after the holiday break) at the dump. And we were able to provide Sunday services for the elderly at the Hogar Betania (Bethany Home for the Elderly).

Keep checking back for updates - I hope to post some photos from recent days and share more about what God is doing here in Quito through HCJB Global and Extreme Response! We appreciate your prayers, giving and words of encouragement. Without them, we would be unable to continue here, doing what God has called us to do!

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