Monday, July 23, 2007

Kids Club Weds July 18

July 18 found us once again at the Kids Club at the dump. It seems our usual attendance for the summer is around 60 children. Ennie continued her series on the Wordless book. The color was RED - representing the blood of Jesus Christ who saves us from sin through His sacrifice on the cross. Can you believe that once again, the craft, brought by a group from Kentucky, coincided with the story? They had brought crosses for the kids to make out of craft sticks and yarn! So the children all went home with a reminder of Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We also celebrated a birthday with cake for everyone which the children seemed to love! The dogs also didn't mind the crumbs that landed on floor.

PRAY FOR US THIS WEEK - the Vacation Bible School at the dump starts tomorrow morning at 9:30. The team arrives tonight so hopefully they have everything all set to go. They will be doing the VBS at the dump in the morning and then going to a partner ministry Nuevos Amigos in the afternoon for another VBS. Santi will be helping with both VBS's but I will probably only help in the morning, depending on how much energy I have.

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