Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Baby's Room

This past weekend, Santi worked hard in getting the baby's room cleaned out and painted. We also had the help of some good friends, Paul & Susan. We are grateful that they had the time to come to our home and help sort out items, clean, paint and move furniture! Below you can see the photos of the process and the finished product! THANKS TO PAUL & SUSAN FOR ALL THEIR HELP!

They were also able to paint our guest room (twice, but that's a long story) in preparation for my niece Cris, who is arriving this Sat to stay with us for six weeks. She will be working at an Extreme Response partner here in Quito called, Pan de Vida (Bread of Life). Pan de Vida is an outreach to street people here in Ecuador and includes programs such as education, clothes closet, health education and hot meal program. Cris will also be helping on Tuesdays and Fridays at the medical clinic out at the garbage dump. I look forward to sharing about Cris's experiences during her time here! I know it will not be a boring time for her!


THE ISAZAS said...

It looks so nice! What a relief to have that done! That's what we are doing all day tomorrow with my parents, getting the baby's room ready! Wish us luck.

Janine said...

Santi you did an GREAT job on the Nathan's room! It's adorable.