Monday, June 25, 2007

Baby Arteaga Arriving in 2007!

One of the most exciting news we have to share is that not only were we just married a few months ago, but we are also expecting Baby Arteaga in December 2007! We are excited! Ruth is 3 months along (or at 13 weeks if you'd rather count weeks). Santiago has already proven to be a very patient husband and daddy - taking very good care of Ruth while she was on 2 weeks of bed-rest this month due to some complications.

We will let you know as soon as we know if Baby Arteaga is a boy or a girl. We're hoping for a boy, but will be grateful for whatever God has planned for us! Santi sometimes feels out-numbered as he is surrounded by women - Ruth, his mom Emma, Emily our dog - so a boy would a nice addition to our family!

We'll keep you posted as things progress . . . Ruth is trying to keep up with life and work in spite of being tired all the time and feeling the usual "morning sickness" which seems to last all day! So far her cravings have included everything from chips & salsa to "locro de papa" (a typical potato soup here in Ecuador), to Big Macs from McDonald's. She even found Rice Chex in the store the other day which sounded really good - that lasted for about 2 days and then it was on to another craving! Santi has his work ahead of him trying to keep up with the cravings which seem to last for a day or so at this point! Thankfully he's a very patient person!

We look forward to sharing more news of Baby Arteaga this year!


THE ISAZAS said...

Congrats Ruth and Santiago! I'm so excited for you! And find it extremely fun to be pregnant at the same time (though in different countries). Hope you start feeling better soon!

The Wellspring said...

Hey YEAH! Welcome to the blogger world. :) I shall follow you and keep up with your life since I never actually see you around Quito - HA!

Congratulations again on the baby. Hope you're feeling the 2nd semester energy kickin' in.

We're in the States for the summer so let me know if you get a craving for Ding Dongs or something that you can't get there. ;)
