Wednesday, June 27, 2007

emily our dog

I have only posted two times and Emily has already been mentioned. She's our 3-year old golden retriever. I figure I might as well get a photo up on the blog right away so that you can see her with your own eyes! We think she's pretty special . . . your typical golden retriever - everyone's friend (she definitely would not make a good watch dog).

There are people who take regular walks around the neighborhood who plan their route to stop by our fence to greet Emily. The other day Emily was in the house with me when I hear someone outside calling her name - sure enough it was one of her "friends" stopping by to say hello to her.

Emily had 7 puppies on Dec. 23 . . . I'm not sure that we will be ready to have puppies again in this lifetime. Fun, but tons of work.

Anyways- here's the famous Emily!

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