Saturday, October 27, 2007

7 1/2 months and counting!

Yes - 7 1/2 months along and counting. Our doctor's appt on Thursday went well, with all my labwork coming back just fine. So it's confirmed that I don't have preeclempsia which is an answer to prayer! My blood pressure has come back down which is also a good thing (probably due to the fact that I have been taking it easy since last week). The doctor took me off the light bed rest I was on but told me to still try not to do anything extra. So we're happy for the good report from Thursday.

And we are celebrating our FIRST ANNIVERSARY tonight by going to downtown Colonial Quito and taking a horse carriage ride and going to a special place to eat. Our actual anniversary is tomorrow, so I guess we're celebrating a day early. We'll have some photos to post I'm sure, of our time together downtown!

Thanks to all for asking how we're doing and for praying!


The Wellspring said...

Happy Anniversary you two! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!