Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Thank you to everyone who commented on our last post and the various things we have going on. Here's a quick update for you

  • My niece Cris arrived without any problems on Sat. evening. In fact, her flight arrived a bit early. We enjoyed going to church together at our Spanish church on Sunday and then had some friends over for lunch and a rousing game of Mexican Train (a dominoe game if you're not familiar with). On Monday she started her orientation at Pan de Vida where she will be working the next 6 weeks. I think a good description of her first few days here would be "hurry up and wait" as she is learning the ropes and trying to figure out her place at Pan de Vida. She's already been a great help there, helping prepare food baskets for 13 needy street families and helping getting things ready for the Weds evening feeding program. We'll have to write more about this!
  • Thank you to everyone who prayed for Santi and his wisdom teeth being pulled on Monday evening. All four teeth were out within an hour and we were soon on our way home with pain-killers in hand. Two teeth came out right away with the other two being a bit difficult. He was a brave patient and survived all the pushing, pulling, breaking, drilling, etc. to get the teeth out. They just do local anesthetic here. As I was watching the dentist work, I was hoping that I'll be as brave as him through child-birth! smiles! After spending the day at home yesterday resting, he went to work today and seems to be doing just fine with taking Advil regularly! He was a very good patient and I have no complaints!
  • The first Moms Club at the dump was today coinciding with the Kids Club. I was unable to go since I'm still on light bed rest until my doctor's appt tomorrow. Once I hear from the other leaders on how things went, I'll let you know.
  • I will have my appt with the doctor tomorrow afternoon to find out what is going on with my blood pressure. Apparently my blood tests/lab work came back fine as they haven't called me (I did finally call them today and the nurse said that if the doctor didn't call me, all is fine). So we hope to find out more tomorrow. I do find that I don't have a lot stamina/energy. I'm actually finding that I really need the bed rest, even though it's frustrating to me with so much to do at the office, Kids Club and home. But everyone has been very gracious and helpful - its so good to have friends and co-workers who pick up the pieces when one isn't able to keep up!

So once again, thanks for praying. I hope to post some pictures this week as well. In the meantime, I felt I owed everyone an update on what is going on here!

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