Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ventilator Day for Nathan

I was just down at the NICU to check in on Nathan and he's moving along. He really hates the tubes in his mouth and gets hiccups pretty regularly (which is common with the type of surgery he had). But the nurses try to keep him calm and as comfortable as possible. They still have to keep his little arms hidden under the blanket other wise he grabs at things and tries to pull tubes and wires out.

And in talking to the nurse, she thinks the doctor will start with taking him off the ventilator today - so pray for that process that all will go well. It would be so exciting today if we could see him breathing completely on his own and even have a chance to hold him!

I've been going down there every 3 hours to work on pumping milk. So it's nice to have the opportunity to see him often. Most times, it is hard for us to see him lying there with all the tubes, wires and stuff on him, but we keep reminding ourselves how well he is doing in light of being in a very serious situation healthwise. Of course, in my case, it doesn't help that the "hormonal crying" of a new mom has set in!!!!

And I do feel for the other family who has a premature baby girl in there - we thought she was born recently until I asked the nurse and she's been there for 5 weeks or so and still has a ways to go. . . . she's tiny, itty bitty - especially when compared to our "giant of a boy" (all the ecuadorians think he's big - even though he's pretty average for a north american baby).

So that's the latest from the Metropolitan Hospital in Quito. Thanks again for all the wonderful notes, emails, prayers and encouragement! IT ALL HELPS A TON!

God bless you all!


Unknown said...

Our family is praying for you. Baby Nathan sure is a cutie pie. We will continue to pray and check back to see Nathan's progress. Love you tons. Mindy Baker

Anonymous said...

congrats and we are praying ruth, he is so cute bless his little heart. this is my first visit but i just had to see him~~jane from pines