Friday, December 28, 2007

Nathan is doing well!

Here are some photos from late this afternoon - we happened to be at the unit and Nathan woke up for a little bit - it was exciting!!! I especially like the photo with Santi holding his little hand.

We continue to receive good reports on Nathan's progress. As the doctor said to one of the nurses today - he is "un fuerte muchacho" (he's one strong little boy!). And we totally agree with his comment. We also know that so many prayers are helping him to be strong!

So while we were down at the unit visiting Nathan and he woke up, the nurse pulled the top of his incubator up for a bit and we got to talk to him and touch him and hold his little hands. He sure is a sweety! She had to do a few things to him and he's so patient and calm - doesn't even cry and just lays there contently while she adjusts cables and so on. She cleaned out his mouth with sterile water and let him suck on the gauze for a little bit. It's obvious that he's ready for the two tubes in his mouth to removed (wouldn't any of us!).

The good reports for today include that the swelling in his stomach has gone down by 1 cm. That he's mostly breathing on his own with just a little help from the ventilator. That each x-ray they take shows some improvement. That they are able to lower his pain medication which will be helpful for him to have a BM, which seems to one next step in the process as they would like to see how his digestive system is working.

All in all, we're doing well. Ruth makes visits every three hours down to the unit to work on pumping milk. She doesn't mind as it gives her another chance to see Nathan. Santi has been very patient and kind and loving through all of this and is doing well too. God has given me the best husband and father in all the world!

The doctor has given us hope that Nathan may be taken off the ventilator tomorrow - Sat. So we're praying for that next step at this point as it will be a big one! Each day has brought us much hope.

We are grateful to our "family" here in Quito who have called, stopped by to visit and leave flowers and gifts. And to those of you sending emails and notes. What a blessing! We truly feel the amazing love of all of God's people. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Dear Ruth and Santi,
Katie (Isaza) called and told me about Nathan.
I told my husband, Curt and I have sent your Blog to all my family and friends. We are prayingg for you and Nathan. We are so grateful to see God's presence and peace with you.
Love in Christ,
Curt and Karin O'Connor (Katie's parents)