Monday, January 7, 2008

Backtracking to Christmas Eve

We have often chuckled over the past couple of weeks about how we ended up going to the hospital on Christmas Eve! Santi's mom was visiting from out of town and we had decided to drive around downtown Quito and go out for a nice lunch.

And we hadn't made any other major plans for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day since we didn't know exactly when Nathan would arrive and we didn't want to inconvenience any dinner guests should Nathan show up on the scene!

So for Christmas Eve, we planned to have a quiet evening at home with Santi's mom and I had planned a small turkey with some yummy cheesy potatoes! (if you want the recipe, let me know - they are DELICIOUS!).

Well, we got back from downtown and I told Santi and Emma that I just had to lay down for a nap but that I was going to put the turkey and potatoes in the oven first so that they would be sure to be done for eating later in the evening.

So around 5 pm, we all laid down for a snooze! I woke up around 6:30 pm, needing to head to the bathroom. I tried to get back in bed and realized that maybe I needed to go to the bathroom again! That's when I realized that my water had broke! And then it was moments of confusion and excitement while I woke up Santi and we tried to figure out what we needed to do first!

Of course, I hadn't packed my suitcase yet (those of you who know me well and my tendency to procrastinate probably aren't surprised) so I needed to figure that out and we also thought we should call the doctor.

But the main question on my mind was "What am I going to do with the turkey!?!?!?" Thankfully it was a small turkey and was close to being done by the time things calmed down. So in the midst of trying to get my suitcase packed and things ready to go to the hospital, Santi and his mom took care of the turkey and cheesy potatoes and wouldn't you know it, they were all just perfect for eating right when we were ready to head to the hospital!

So we had our Christmas Eve dinner, standing in the kitchen around the turkey while Santi carved it. I nibbled just a bit on it, but thankfully Santi and his mom were able to truly enjoy it (albeit standing up) and we still have a container in the freezer with turkey! I guess I should pull it out one of these days so that we can sit down and enjoy our Christmas turkey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can treat the turkey like you do the top of the wedding cake-- you know how you are suppose to save it in the freezer and eat it on your 1st anniversary.
Maybe you could eat turkey on Nathan's first birthday.
Just a thought :)