Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Doctor's Visit -

Nathan Ready To Leave for the Doctor's Office

Nathan at the Doctor's Office

Today Nathan is two weeks old and we had our appointment with Dr. Jijon - Nathan's pediatrician. We just love Dr. Jijon as he is so patient and loving and kind and is so good about taking time to talk to us about Nathan's condition and how he's progressing. I think in all, we were at his office for almost two hours (that includes a feeding time for Nathan and also some time on the monitor to see how his oxygen levels were).

Nathan is progressing very well. He now weighs 8 lbs. 4 oz. and is right on target on the growth chart. We are going to continue with things as they have been, including doing breast feeding along with the formula. Nathan is also still on oxygen. We were a little disappointed in this as it would be so nice to get the tube out of his nose. However, obviously we want Nathan to be breathing well and have the right amount of oxygen in his blood. The doctor wasn't concerned about the fact that Nathan still needs oxygen. He did mention a couple of times that it's mostly because of the fact that we are at over 9,000 ft. altitude that Nathan still needs oxygen.

So we'll see what the doctor says in two more weeks when we have our next appt. Once again, the doctor was amazed at Nathan's progress and mentioned the "luck" that we have had in Nathan's case! Of course, we all know that the God has been working in Nathan's life and using the situation for His glory and honor!

Thanks again for praying - many of you have mentioned that you were praying for the appt. today. We really appreciate it.

1 comment:

Grace said...

He's a dollbaby! You are so blessed!