Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Three Months Old

Nathan turned 3 months on Tuesday and he also had his monthly appointment with the pediatrician. Thanks for all your prayers. All went well. The doctor is just thrilled with his progress.

Nathan now weighs 13 lbs. 8 oz. and is 62 cm long (when he was born he was 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 52 cm long to give you an idea of how much he has grown).

And he did well with his vaccine even though he did scream for a while afterward - the doctor teasingly said that this is about the age of children he becomes increasingly unpopular with the children! I can see why!

Nathan can continue to be off of oxygen during the day. We try to put him on it during the night, but he now knows what it's like to NOT have the tube in his nose and more often than not, he manages to take it off while he's sleeping.

Otherwise, we are just waiting for our appointment with the cardiologist later on in April and for the ultrasound he will do which will indicate to us whether the duct in Nathan's lung has closed and if the pressure in his lungs has improved.

And we just love being his parents - we enjoy seeing Nathan's personality come out almost daily and it brings us so much joy to see him smile, giggle, coo, talk, slobber and do all the fun little things that 3 month olds do!


Anonymous said...

I will be sharing your postings from the 25th and 26th during our next Sunday evening service. I know our folks will be delighted to see the photos.

Pastor Rick Jones
The Pines Bible Church

THE ISAZAS said...

He is just so cute!!! I love his smile. So glad that he is growing and doing so well. What an answer to prayer!!

Lauren said...

Ok, now I'm leaning toward wanting a little brother for Hannah. He is just too cute, and all of our children are guaranteed to have uncontrollable hair that can only look good on an infant. ;)

Praise the Lord for his health! He and Hannah were the same weight at birth, and I don't think she weighed that much at 3 months because of her feeding difficulties. (She's caught up now, though!)

The Wellspring said...

What a cutie bug. :)

the fordices said...

You've got the cutest little guy! We especially love the hair! :)