Saturday, April 26, 2008

4 months old

I couldn't resist posting this photo again as it is one of my favorites - somehow we were able to catch Nathan's happy personality . . .

. . . and little Nathan is now four months old! He had his monthly checkup with the pediatrician today. As expected, the doctor was happy with the results of the ultrasound of his heart/lungs and the fact the duct has closed. Nathan was his usual smiling self for everyone, making him a popular little guy in the office.

He weighed in at 15 lbs. 8 oz. and is just over 29 inches long (64 cm to be exact as they measure him in cm, so I'm guessing on the inches). The doctor is very pleased with his growth and development. We are too!

Nathan also had in his usual vaccines today. He was very brave and didn't cry for the first injection and barely noticed the second injection. We go back in 2 weeks for the LAST of the very expensive injections to prevent respiratory infections! YEAH!

Thanks again for praying with us and for us! We couldn't ask for better friends and family who are following along with us on this journey!

1 comment:

the fordices said...

Nathan, you are soooooooooo cute, just like your mommy and daddy!

So glad that all the medical prayers have been answered. Keep it up Nathan!!

Love, michele