Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kids Club today

Diana, pictured with Ruby, one of our high school students

I'm excited because for the first time in months, I'm going to return to the Kids Club at the dump this afternoon. I have really missed seeing the kids and being a part of their life, even if it is just for a few hours on Wednesday afternoons.

Diana (pictured above) is one of the girls who has been with us from the very beginning. She has sent me a few notes via the other leaders and I have written back to her. It'll be great to see her again. She has shown a lot of interest in Nathan - I think it's because she has helped raise about 3 younger siblings of her own . . . including Dyana (pictured below) who has practically come to the Kids Club since she was a little baby. . . she used to be afraid of everyone, but as you can see, she's now a happy little girl excited to participate in Kids Club.

Dyana singing along with Violeta, one of our high school students

We have just three more weeks of Kids Club with our high schoolers as they will soon be finishing out the school year. We'll take a couple weeks break and then start our summer clubs the first part of June. The tricky part is finding teams and volunteers who can come to help us each week. We have our highest attendance during the summer so we need all the volunteers we can get with around 60 kids showing up each week.

And the interesting thing is that ever since we stepped out in faith two summers ago, committed to providing a Kids Club during the summer months, we have never had to do the Kids Club by ourselves ("ourselves" meaning just a few of us adult leaders who are still around during the summer). God has always provided volunteers - whether individuals or teams! And just last night I received a phone call from a missionary here who will have a sports ministry team here the first week of June and they'd like to help with the Kids Club the first Weds of June! What a great week to kick off our summer clubs!

So God is already providing - but please pray that our schedule will fill up for the summer. We already have a couple of teams interested in doing Vacation Bible School - so maybe this year we'll have two! That would be awesome!

And you may be wondering what I'm doing with Nathan when I go . . . well, one of our missionary friends has a 13 year old daughter who is very happy to watch Nathan for me while I go . . . so today will be Nathan's first day with Raylin . . . I think he will have a good time. Raylin volunteers at an orphanage near her home so I know that she has lots of experience.

Don't forget that you that you can see photos from each week's Kids Club by clicking on the link in the column on the right. Or click right here to see more photos.

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