Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekly Update . . .

We had a good weekend and now it's on to the third week of July! Hard to believe how time flies.

1) Thank you for praying for us on Sunday. Things went well at the Hogar Betania. It seems that all the elderly residents want is just a listening ear for a few minutes and someone to give them a hug. They really don't ask for much. We have noticed a couple of ladies who have really gone down hill the past few weeks. We never know who will have passed away the next time we show up . . . certainly a reality check for all of us! We never know how much time we have here on earth . . .

2) Thank you for praying for Santi's visa application for the trip to Australia. It has been approved by the Australian embassy located in Chile. We're just anxiously awaiting the arrival of his passport back from the embassy via DHL!

3) Pray for Santi and his co-worker Brent as they now need to rearrange their travel plans to attend the Summit in February rather than September.

4) Our co-leaders for the Kids Club at the dump have decided to do a VBS for the kids THIS WEEK - Tuesday through Friday! This means a lot of scrambling to get things ready. Pray for us as Ennie & Tommy prepare the four lessons and the plan of knowing God as your personal Saviour will be given to the children on Friday!

5) Nathan has his 6 month check-up and vaccines today at the pediatricians. We're anxious to find out how much he weighs - he seems to be growing like a weed! And of course, now with his two front bottom teeth, he looks like a grown up boy! He's still chewing and drooling, so maybe more teeth are on the way.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! It's so much fun to hear from all of you. We are also grateful to our teams of supporters who make it possible for us to be here serving with HCJB Global and Extreme Response International. We continue to adjust to a family life with a 6 month old. Pray for us to be wise parents and to help Nathan know the Lord in all that we do and say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear all the good news! I'm also coveting your 54 degree weather. It's only upper 80's so far this morning but humid. I'm wearing bug spray IN the house. A monkey came to the balcony and sent the dog into fits. What a whacky world we live in.