Tuesday, July 15, 2008

more weekly news . . .

Thanks for praying for Nathan's doctor's appointment yesterday - all went well. The doctors are pleased with his progress. . . Nathan now weighs 18 lbs/8 oz. and is 68 cm long. He seems a lot bigger than that to us - especially if you try carrying him for any length of time (or up the 3 flights of stairs in our home)! He received two vaccines yesterday and also seems like he might be cutting his upper teeth now, so he's a little fussy/feverish today, but over-all he's doing fine.

Today starts the VBS with the kids at the Quito dump in Zambiza. We were able to round up a good group of volunteers and two teams recently left us with a great bunch of supplies to use - crafts, crayons, glue, prizes, pencils, markers, etc. We were totally amazed by their generosity! And what a help as we worked to plan for the VBS. . . so nice to have the supplies available to us this week. THANK YOU TEAMS! Pray for the week as we share Jesus with the children and they hear the gospel. On Friday they will have an opportunity to make a decision about Jesus. Many of them have already made decisions, but some will be hearing for the first time. Pray for our team of volunteers.

We are waiting for Santi's passport to arrive from the Australian embassy in Chile. Please pray that it will arrive soon and safely. We are worried about it being lost out there somewhere! It was sent to us late last week via DHL.

Thanks again for your prayers - without them, we would have a hard time continuing with what we are doing! Blessings - Santi & Ruth & Nathan

1 comment:

THE ISAZAS said...

Wow, I can't wait to see Nathan with teeth!! Sam drools and chews like crazy on anything in sight...but still no teeth coming through. Praying for Santiago's passport to come!