Sunday, August 10, 2008

7 1/2 months and on the go . . .

Nathan is now 7 1/2 months old and has hit several milestones . . .

1) he is eating Gerber baby food along with his rice and oat cereal (he won't eat anything I make for him - mmmm, I'm not sure why).

2) he has tried the favorite of all babies - Cheerios! (he doesn't seem too sure about them yet)

3) he's sitting by himself

4) he started with the "military crawl" and is now truly crawling

5) he has two bottom teeth (with more on the way)

AND . . .

6) he likes peeled grapes but doesn't like bananas

7) he is starting to say "papa" and "mama" (or at least that's what WE think he's saying!)

8) he's figured out how to open doors

9) he knows what the light switch is for and likes to turn off lights when we walk out of a room

10) and he's learning what the word "no" means!


crt said...

what fun! it looks like you have your hands full. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course, Nathan really is saying "papa" and "mama"!!!! ;)


The Wellspring said...

Ha! I never did/thought of peeled grapes for the kids when they were babies and so when I read this part about Nathan it made me laugh and think that peeling grapes is something you would do for A KING! Who is ruling that roost there anyway? tee he he Nathan gets cuter every day. Fun to see his personality in the photos.

The Arteagas said...

well, I seriously thought that the grape peel is a choking hazard! ha, ha! I didn't even think about him being a king! smiles! That's funny! at any rate, he is pretty much ruling the roost- what can I say!?!?!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so so fun!!! I'm glad you got a moment to post them. A DOOR A BELL!

crt said...

i peeled em's grapes. but by the time mad came along she was on her own.