Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life has settled into the summer routine. Many friends and co-workers have left for the US for their Home Ministry Assignments (HMA's) and we miss them, but this is typical during the summer around here.

And we're enjoying our two summer missionaries, Tyler and James, who are staying with us for the summer. We get to hear about their adventures - Tyler up at the hydroelectric plant in Papallacta and James in the Emergency Room at HCJB's hospital here in Quito! We enjoy hearing about the things they learn and experience on a daily basis. They recently spent a number of days in Shell, visiting HCJB's jungle hospital. A great experience for these college students.

The summer session of the Kids Club at the dump is well under way. We're doing a series on Daniel from the Old Testament. The kids are learning their Bible verses (very well actually) and learning more about how these stories can be practical in their lives. Next week we have a special team from Michigan who comes every year to do a special Kids Club. We look forward to seeing what they have for us. I was looking around at the kids yesterday in the Kids Club and wondering how much of an effect the Kids Club is actually having on their lives . . . . some of the older kids have been with us for years - they just keep coming back. I prayed that God would allow the Kids Club to make a difference in their lives in some way . . . . perhaps a way that we'll never know about . . . maybe keeping them off the street when they hit their teen years, or attending church regularly, or preventing them from turning to a life of stealing or doing drugs. We just never know, do we?!?!

Nathan is 18 months old today! Hard to believe. He seems to grow and learn new things daily. And is getting harder and harder to keep up with. He loves dogs and goes crazy when he sees them. He kisses the ultrasound photo of his new baby sister on the fridge and calls her "neña" (Ecuadorian for "sister"). He is very liberal in giving out hugs too. He's cutting four (yes, four) teeth right now . . . . does it ever end!? And he loves playing soccer (well, his form of it) with daddy!

Ruth is doing well - also growing daily it seems. Baby #2 is coming along nicely. Just a few more months to go - hopefully Ruth's energy and clothes will survive the next couple of months until baby is born! It's starting to become a challenge to find a comfortable sleeping position. Thankfully there is an end in sight (and then the real fun begins, right!?).

Santi is staying busy with work at HCJB. There seems to never be an end of projects that he is working on. He needs wisdom to prioritize and know what is most important to get done. So much of his work is technical support that helps those in the radio ministry to keep broadcasting. Please pray as we are so aware of God's word going out through radio and reaching many people that we probably will never know about until we get to heaven.

He's also now participating in the summer soccer/basketball tournaments that HCJB sponsors for all the various departments. He usually manages to get some sort of injury while playing, but so far he's been safe from injury - let's hope it stays that way!

Ruth is winding down her English class - just four more weeks to go. Pray that the students will keep working hard until the end and that Ruth will catch up with grading papers (a constant challenge for her as it's her least favorite part of the class!).

We thank everyone for their continued prayers and encouragement. We so enjoy hearing from you too - thanks for writing! You can also find us on Facebook.

Blessings today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ruth!! I love this testimony! I'm going to share it with our VBS crew in the morning. Tomorrow we'll be on day 2 of our VBS. They will be so excited to hear how God worked on your behalf! Hugs! anonymous from cali:)