Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Last minute answer to prayer! (VBS at the dump)

Seriously, where does the time go!?! I just looked at our blog and realized that it's been over a month since we have posted an update! Sorry about that (it feels like I just updated it yesterday!).

This has been an exciting week as God has answered a big prayer! Each year, we pray for a team to come and help do a Vacation Bible School (or week-long Kids Club) out at the dump. The regular children at our weekly Kids Club come so faithfully during the summer months and they bring so many friends and relatives (our attendance jumps from around 40 - 50 to over 80 during the summer). Because of this, each year we like to do a special week of clubs for them if at all possible.

Extreme Response had several teams lined up for this summer who possibly could do the VBS. And one team was even scheduled to do it this week. But they had to cancel and the other teams just never worked out for various reasons. So that was disappointing, but we just kept waiting, hoping that God would work out a plan for us.

And just last week, on Tuesday, we received a call from a missionary with another organization who had a team arriving this past Saturday, ready to do a full-blown VBS for approx 80 kids and would it be possible for them to do the VBS at the dump!?!?! Needless to say, we said YES!!! It turns out that the original site for their VBS had to be closed down due to an incidence of the swine flu (not that we're happy that that happened).

So this week, the kids are learning Bible stories, verses, new songs and having a great time doing crafts and games. They are even having some yummy snacks (frozen yogurt today! never thought of having that one!). All the kids told me that they were having a great time.

We are so grateful to this wonderful group of ladies from Texas who have come and shared with our kids at the dump. And I guess God does have a sense of humor - He waited until the last minute to answer my prayer (for those of you who really know me, you know that I tend to wait until the last minute on things I need to get done!).

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