Tuesday, March 16, 2010

keeping up with my end of the bargain. . .

. . . . and writing another post with some photos of our lives the past few days.

Here is Isabella enjoying some play time in mommy's office at Extreme Response. We spend a couple of hours here almost every day while Nathan is playing with his friends at a small day care around the corner.

Here is what Nathan has been spending his time doing lately - this was a rare moment that he actually sat down for quite a while (like 15 minutes or so and with some success - yahoo!). And I couldn't resist a couple of photos (he will probably hate me when he's 18). He also managed to find the sticker supply and use it abundantly! I'm also very grateful for the portable DVD player and basket of books to keep him entertained during these wonderful moments (sigh - hopefully the season of our lives will be over soon!).

Last night, we enjoyed having Dwight and Susie Lind over for dinner. They are HCJB missionaries at WRN - a radio network along the US/Mexican border. Susie also used to work in the offices in Colorado Springs and she and I planned HCJB Ecuador Tours together for many years (via email and phone). We figured out that this was the first time we had actually met here in Quito. Isa was glad to have another "grandma" to spoil her a bit (Nathan was in a rare BAD mood and wanted nothing of photos).

On Sunday, we went to the Hogar Betania (Bethany Home for the Elderly) where we held the Sunday morning services with singing and a devotional. Nathan loves to help hand out the "pancitos" (little breads) at the end of the service (and he usually eats one himself - and walks around saying "pan").

This is Isa doing her favorite thing in her crib - PLAYING! She enjoys it almost too much and forgets to sleep sometimes during the night - mommy has decided to pretty much ignore her and go back to sleep when she decides to play at 3 a.m.!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ruth, thanks for the two recent posts. I LOVE all the photos, especially your beautiful family picture! I hope I get to see all of you this spring!