Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This week's update

The end of July is rapidly approaching!

1) Thank you for praying for the VBS at the dump last week. It was a wonderful week with many volunteers coming together to help us. Without them, it would have been a difficult time. The attendance averaged between 55 - 70 children and adults each day. Several ladies came faithfully with their children and participated in the activities. I will be posting photos as soon as I'm able to get them downloaded.

2) Pray for the approx 40 children and adults who made professions of faith on the last day! At the end of the Bible story, we asked those who were serious about accepting Christ as their Savior to leave to the room and go to the other area where we had volunteers lined up to share the plan of salvation in small groups. It probably would have been easier to ask the group to stay where they were because more than 1/2 of the room left to go and talk to the volunteers! What an amazing reaction to the Gospel!

3) Pray for Pastor Jose and his wife Teresa who will work to follow-up with those who accepted Christ. And as we continue to teach these dear ladies and children about God's Word through the weekly Kids Club. They just soak up the Word!

4) Praise - Santi's passport finally arrived from Chile with his Australian visa in it! It's nice to have that done and taken care of. As soon as they have definite dates from the organization in Australia for February they will be working on travel plans. Please continue to pray that the necessary funds will come in for them to be able to make the trip!

5) We are glad that Santi will get a much needed break from a long month of intensive English classes (4 hours daily plus his work at HCJB) during the month of August. He is finishing up an "extra" intensive level this next week. Pray that he will have the stamina to finish well. He has been doing well so far!

6) Pray for the services at the Hogar Betania this coming Sunday. Santi will be preaching and our friend Esther will be helping with music. We need a couple more volunteers so please pray that we will have some others come to help us. (I personally need like 2 people just to help with my very active son! ha, ha).

1 comment:

the fordices said...

You guys are so busy! Going non stop! So glad Nathan is doing so well. He has been through so much this past year and has been such a trooper! We miss you Ruth and wish we could come down and spend some time with your other (Ecuadorian) family!!

Love you, the fordices